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ChapterChapter AuthorBookBook AuthorYearPublisher
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
511 Inadequate Integration of Healthcare SystemsâƒAs is evident from different sources of Big Data prevalent in the healthcare sector, most of
Emerald Publishing
Figure 21: Old Kingdom sites with iconographic sources concerning tools (Martin Odler in software qGIS, map: Natural Earth)
Archaeopress Archaeology
Resources and Critical Areas of Concern
FT Press
History of Falls Falls is a serious and costly health concern in the United States In the United States, falls are the leading
1st ed. 2018
Springer International Publishing
1st ed. 2020
Springer Nature Singapore
1st ed. 2018
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden
The Dept.
4. Costume of peasants and nobility from contemporary sources, with the statute of 1363 concerning apparel
As far as the council is concerned, are Scripture and tradition two independent and complementary sources of revelation?
1967, ©1966
Sources of Spencer's agnosticism; Brief outline of his argument; Ultimate religious ideas; Atheism, Pantheism, and Theism; Lack of precision in
1967, ©1912
Kennikat Press
4. The gospels, our only source of information on the Crucifixion, are works of religious teaching and persuasion, and are not concerned with
Holt, Rinehart and Winston
, including motives, recognition, prevention, and the counselor's personal feelings. A notable area especially relevant to the clergyman is the chapter
implications of recreation; The conservation of natural resources; The artistic and cultural explosion; Linkage of recreation with educational and
Care on earth: generating informed concern / Holmes Rolston Sciences of complexity: a new theological resource? / Arthur Peacocke
Cambridge University Press
 Printed by J. Clowes for Richard Wodenothe ...
 Printed by T. Ratcliffe and N. Thompson for the author, and are to be sold by himself ... and by John Carr ...
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Showing 300 of 43320603 records in 11.215 seconds;
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