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Showing 9 of 9 records in 0.709 seconds;
ChapterChapter AuthorBookBook AuthorYearPublisher
Introduction: organize! looking back, thinking ahead / Aziz Choudry, Jill Hanley, Eric Shragge
PM Press
1 Studies in Struggle: Movements for Education and Social Justice - Aziz Choudry (McGill Univ, Canada) and Salim Vally (Univ of Johannesburg
Pluto Prezz; Gm
A Choudry, GW Goetze, S Nudelman, TY Shen
Academic Press
A Choudry
1 Lessons Learnt, Lessons Lost: Pedagogies of Repression, Thoughtcrime, and the Sharp Edge of State Power - Aziz Choudry
Pluto Press
6 The Plantation-to-Plant-to-Prison Pipeline - David Austin interviewed by Aziz Choudry
Pluto Press
1 Just Work? Migrant Workers, Capitalist Globalisation and Resistance - Aziz Choudry and Mondli Hlatshwayo
Pluto Press
12 Temporary Employment Agency Workers in Montreal: Immigrant and Migrant Workers' Struggles in Canada - Aziz Choudry and Mostafa Henaway
Pluto Press
Introduction: Struggling against Unfree Labour by Aziz Choudry and Adrian A Smith
PM Press
ChapterChapter AuthorBookBook AuthorYearPublisher
Showing 9 of 9 records in 0.709 seconds;
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