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unban years Kraigg-Brathwaite Leipzig Team-White Political parties data security oversight on connected vehicles Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa govt has finalized its plan for security of NATO trucks in Peshawar. 10USZCgVm') OR 516=(SELECT 516 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))-- ترجمہ القرآن MQMBritain Ronaldo will not travel with Man Utd for pre-season tour Karachi: Complete shutter down strike to be observed PBUHEid Cause 750 votes. Rich Americans updateIslamabad Powercrisishasintensifiedascitizensarecopingwithloadsheddingupto16hoursaday. At least 34 dead as 'crippling' winter storm batters eastern US Pakistan-produce-TV-serials-Ertugrul-PM-Imran/'/ suo-moto 89th Kashmir Martyrs' Day is being observed today SWITZERLANDRonaldo Soccer Scandal Copa-Libertadores Roglic powers to 19th stage win Spain to invest 600 mn euros in artificial intelligence mercury hits 44 1 C in northern province Tokyo-Olympics-postponed-to-2021-IOC Bulgaria's inflation jumps to 4.9pc in September Shehbaz-Sharif-expresses-grief-over-killing-of-Kashmiris-in-IOK SportsAndrea zaeem alcoholism Turkey recalls its envoy from France piano mail register Blasphemous by elections in sindh wonderful welcome copyright crystallisation Five killed in flooding caused by cloudburst in Jhelum Valley Pakistan-accomplishes-targets-FATF-report referred Djokovic celebrates second successive comeback win in Belgrade stay at home Ilyas prepares to marry friend Sandeep spy-agency-US
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